7-Day Candles in Glass Jars
Product Info
Paraffin wax candles in glass jars, separated by colors. Colors have different spiritual associations.
Black is used for
- regeneration
- removal of the negative
- transition and mystery
Brown is used for
- Grounding
- Home
- Earth Connection
- Animal Communication
- Growth
- Nature Connection
Purple is used for- psychic power
- divination and healing
- Associated with the Third Eye
Red is used for
- vitality
- will power
- passion and desire
- Associated with the Root Chakra
Orange is used for
- self confidence
- optimism and success
- Associated with the Sacral Chakra
Yellow is used for- communication
- trust
- happiness
- self worth
- Associated with the Solar Plexus
Green is used for
- Assists with Ambition and personal goals
- Absorbs Greed and jealousy
Blue is used for
- knowledge
- focus
- truth and communication.
Pink is used for- love
- friendship
- romance and caring
White is used for- enlightenment
- healing
- purification and protection
- Associated with the Crown Chakra
In Stock:
1.25 lb
Product Type:
Essential Elements Wellness LLC