What's New

Essential Buffering Oil


Yemaya Essence Oil

Astrophyllite Sterling Silver Rings

Round Pendant

Prehnite Sterling Silver Jewelry

Cinnabar Sterling Silver Jewelry

Kammererite Sterling Silver Jewelry

Mariposite Sterling Silver Pendants

Lepidolite Sterling Silver Jewelry

Copper And Oyster Shell Pendant

Blue Aragonite Sterling Silver Jewelry

Dragon Bloodstone Sterling Silver Jewery

Gold Buddha Statue

Chakra Candle Chime Set

Matte Titanium Druzy Heart

Tree Agate Specimen

Aura Druzy Specimens

Crystal Witch’s Cap

Purpurite Raw Stone

Dreamsicle Lemurian Quartz

Garbage Pail Kids

The Metaphysical Cannabis Oracle Deck

Stranger Things Tarot Deck

Modern Goddess Tarot Deck

Journeying Through the Invisible

Clear Spirit



Banded Agate Specimen

Vesuvianite Specimen

Sea Urchin

Gypsy Dream Dictionary

Hem Night Queen Incense

Yarn Tarot

The Hedgewitch’s Little Book of Spells, Charms, and Brews.

Goddesses, Gods, & Guardians Oracle

Santa Muerte

Animal Power

Beneath The Moon

The Guardian Angel Oracle Deck

Healing Essence Oil

Gentle Carousel Minature Therapy Horses Inspiration Deck

Seasons of the Witch Beltane Oracle

Artist Shaman Healer Sage

Into the Lonely Woods Tarot Deck

The Rose Oracle

Calcite Holiday Figures