Shungite For EMF Radiation - Why It's Important
Posted on June 27 2022,
In today's modern world, now more than ever, we are constantly being bombarded with toxic electromagnetic radiation.
Electromagnetic radiation (EMF) are invisible fields of energy produced by electricity such as your cell phone, computer, tv, and even your fluorescent lightbulbs used in your homes. EMF exposure is linked to numerous health problems in adults and children, with children being the most susceptible.
There are so many areas of exposure in our everyday lives that it can feel almost impossible to take control and do anything about it. However - you DO have control.
Let's start by introducing Shungite for neutralizing the harmful effects of EMF radiation.
Shungite: Found in the Russian region of Karelia, this unique stone is comprised of what's known as a "Fullerene". A fullerene is a molecule comprised of 60 carbon atoms forming something that looks like a hollow soccer ball. This is the only known molecule that forms a spherical cage in nature. This unique structure makes shungite a ¨free radical sponge¨ with the ability to neutralize EMF radation and reset itself again and again.